layering skincare correctly

How to Layer Skincare Products Correctly


Do you ever feel lost when trying to figure out the correct way to layer your skincare products? Trust me, you’re not alone!  There are so many products available that you probably feel confused. However, once you get the hang of layering skincare products the process will quickly become second nature. 

In this article, we will walk you through thre process of how to layer skincare products correctly. You’ll be able to maximize your skincare routine so you truly get the most out of your products. 

The Order of Layering Skincare Products 

Yes, the order of layering skincare products does matter because you want to get the job done correctly. Honestly, when you layer products the right way, they can penetrate your skin better and work more effectively. However, if you layer wrong, some products might not be able to get through to your skin at all. 

Following the correct order is key to getting the best results from your skincare results. 

Step-by-Step: How to Layer Skincare Products

Ready? Let’s take a look at the step-by-step process so you can correctly layer skincare products. We are confident that you’ll find it simpler than you thought. 

Step One:  Start with a Clean Face

Before applying any products, always start with clean skin. This is the most important step because it removes dirt, oil, and leftover makeup. If your skin isn’t clean, the rest of your skincare products won’t be able to absorb properly. 

We suggest that you use a gentle cleanser suited for your skin type. Apply the cleanser gently to your skiing without pulling or tugging. Rinse the cleanser away with the cleanser.

Tip: Double cleansing is great if you wear heavy makeup or sunscreen. 

Start with an oil-based cleanser, followed by a water-based one to ensure your skin is completely clean and ready for the next step. 

Step Two: Toner Comes First

After cleansing, it’s time for toner. Toners help balance your skin’s pH and prep it for the next steps. 

Think of toner as the first layer of hydration. It also helps remove any leftover impurities that your cleanser might have missed so your skin will be extremely clean. 

If you’re dealing with acne or oily skin, you might want to choose a toner with salicylic acid. 

For dry or sensitive skin, look for a hydrating or soothing toner.

Step Three: Apply Your Serums

Now it’s time for serums. Serums are packed with active ingredients and are designed to target specific skin concerns, such as fine lines, dark spots, or dehydration. Because serums are lightweight, they can penetrate deep into your skin. Apply them early in your routine.

The general rule is to apply the thinnest serum first. 

Using more than one serum? If you’re using multiple serums, give each one a minute or two to absorb before applying the next. Giving the application process time helps to ensure that your skin can properly absorb the ingredients without them piling up on top of each other.

Step Four: Don’t Forget Eye Cream

Next, let’s take a look at eye cream. 

The skin around your eyes is much thinner and more delicate than the rest of your face. That’s why it needs a special product. 

Eye creams are typically lighter and less oily than facial moisturizers, so they should be applied before any heavier products.

Tap a small amount of eye cream gently around your eye area using your fingertips. Be careful not to tug at your eye skin. Instead, dab softly. 

Step Five: Moisturize

Moisturizer is the next step, and it’s an absolute MUST. No matter your skin type, everyone needs a good moisturizer – whether you are young or old.  

A quality moisturizer helps lock in hydration and keeps your skin barrier strong.

Oily skin? If you have oily skin, you might prefer a lightweight, gel-based moisturizer.

Dry skin?  For dry skin, something richer and creamier will provide more nourishment. 

Either way, the goal is to seal in all the goodness from the previous steps.

Step Six: Seal It All In with Oils (Optional)

If you use facial oils, this is the step where you’ll apply them. Oils are thicker and help lock in moisture, which is why they should be applied after your moisturizer. 

Facial oil acts as a sealant, ensuring that all the hydration and active ingredients from earlier steps stay in your skin for maximum benefit. 

But don’t worry—facial oils aren’t just for dry skin! Even if you have oily skin, you can benefit from using a lightweight oil to balance your skin.

Step Seven: Sunscreen—Always!

Okay, you have officially made it to the end of the skincare layering process. The final step, especially during the day, is to apply sunscreen. No matter what your skincare goals are, protecting your skin from UV damage is non-negotiable. 

Sunscreen is your skin’s best defense against aging, sunspots, and even skin cancer.

If you’re using a chemical sunscreen, apply it directly to your skin before any makeup. If you’re using a physical (mineral) sunscreen, you can apply it after your moisturizer. Just make sure you’re using enough moisturizer. It takes about a quarter-sized amount for your face and neck.

You might mistakenly believe that sunscreen is just for a sunny day, but even if you are indoors you still need it. If you’re near windows or sitting in front of a computer, sunscreen remains an important part of your skincare layering process. 

Benefits of Layering Skincare Products

Curious about the benefits of layering skincare products? Well, there are many benefit. Below are just a few of the main ones. 

  • Skincare products are expensive so you want to maximize their benefits by ensuring that you apply them currently. Layering skincare products in the correct order ensures that each one can properly penetrate the skin and deliver its benefits.  
  • There are so many skincare products out there, you can choose various products to target your concerns. By using different products like serums, moisturizers, and treatments, you can address various skin issues, from dryness to acne, all at once.
  • Maximize moisture by layering. Layering allows you to use lightweight hydrating products first and seal them in with heavier creams, ensuring long-lasting moisture throughout the day. 
  • Protect your skin! Applying layers like antioxidant serums and sunscreen can offer better protection against environmental stressors such as pollution and UV rays.
    Layering gives you flexibility to adjust your routine based on your skin’s needs, such as adding more hydration in dry areas or targeting oily zones.
  • Improve your skin’s appearance quickly. Consistently layering active ingredients like retinol and exfoliating acids helps speed up skin cell turnover, resulting in smoother, clearer skin over time.
  • Avoid overindulging in skincare products which can negatively impact your skin’s health. Layering in moderation prevents overloading your skin with too many potent ingredients at once, reducing the risk of irritation.

FAQs About Layering Skincare

Now that we’ve covered the steps, let’s answer some common questions about layering skincare products.

Can I Skip Toner or Eye Cream?

Yes, you can skip them if you feel like they’re not necessary for your skin. Some people find toner helpful for hydration, while others don’t like using toner. 

Eye cream is great for targeting specific concerns like dark circles, laugh lines, or puffiness, but if your regular moisturizer works for you, that’s okay too. You don’t have to invest in eye cream. 

Can I Mix Serums?

It’s generally safe to mix serums, but be careful when combining products with strong active ingredients like retinol, vitamin C, or acids. These ingredients can sometimes cause irritation when layered incorrectly. 

If you’re unsure about what products to use with each other then it’s best to alternate them on different days or consult with a dermatologist.

What If My Skin Feels Sticky?

If your skin feels sticky after applying products, it might be because you’re using too much. 

Try using a smaller amount of each product and give it a minute or two to fully absorb before moving to the next step.

How Long Should I Wait Between Steps?

You don’t need to wait too long between the skin layering steps. A general rule is to wait 30 seconds to a minute between products. However, if you’re applying something like a retinol or exfoliating acid, you should consider giving it a little more time to sink in before applying the next layer.

Can I Apply Sunscreen Before Moisturizer?

You need to save the final layer of protection until the last – sunscreen.  Ideally, sunscreen should always be the last step in your skincare routine. It needs to form a protective layer on the skin to effectively shield against UV rays. 

Also, one thing to consider is that applying moisturizer after sunscreen can dilute its effectiveness.

Tips for Different Skin Types

Let’s talk about how to adjust your layering routine based on your skin type.

For Oily or Acne-Prone Skin

If you have oily skin, you might want to focus on lightweight products. Gel-based moisturizers and oil-free serums work well for keeping your skin balanced without clogging your pores. Also, look for ingredients like salicylic acid, niacinamide, and zinc, which help control oil and reduce breakouts.

For Dry Skin

Dry skin craves hydration, so focus on moisture-rich products. Layer hydrating serums, a nourishing moisturizer, and consider adding a facial oil for extra hydration. 

Hyaluronic acid is a great ingredient to look for in products, as it helps your skin retain moisture.

For Sensitive Skin

If your skin is sensitive, then you’ll want to focus on keeping things gentle. Choose products with soothing ingredients like aloe vera, chamomile, and niacinamide. 

Avoid harsh exfoliants and strong actives like retinol or vitamin C until your skin builds up tolerance.

For Combination Skin

Combination skin can be tricky. You’ll need to balance hydration in drier areas while controlling oil in your T-zone. 

We suggest that you use only lightweight products where you get oily and richer products on drier areas. It might take a little experimenting, but you’ll find the right balance!


Layering your skincare products correctly can make a world of difference in how effective they are. By following the right order, you’ll ensure that each product penetrates your skin properly and gives you the best possible results. 

Remember to listen to your skin—it’s okay to change your routine if something isn’t working for you.

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